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Digital Innovation and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence: The Role of G7

2024 - 2024

The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), as co-chair of Think7 (T7) – the official engagement group of the Italian G7 presidency that brings together leading think tanks and research centres from around the world – has organised two events on the topics of digitisation and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI).

The first event, “The Role of G7 in Promoting a Cooperation Framework for Artificial Intelligence: The Way Ahead”, was held in Trento on 15 March 2024 and was addressed to the G7 Troika (Japan, Italy and Canada). The aim was to informally discuss priorities, actions to be taken and potential obstacles in the process of implementing the Italian G7 Presidency’s ambitious AI agenda with representatives of the main Italian and international private sector players. The discussion focused on: i) the centrality of stakeholder involvement in the development of AI oversight tools in the public sector; ii) the proposed Compendium on Digital Government Systems, with a focus on digital identity in G7 countries; iii) the importance of taking forward the Hiroshima Artificial Intelligence Process (HAIP). During the meeting, the Troika, representatives from think tanks, such as CEPS (Brussels) and CSIS (Washington), and private sector representatives exchanged views on how to increase its impact, maximise stakeholder buy-in and implement a voluntary monitoring process. At the end of the event, the Trento AI Declaration on responsible AI adoption and innovation was adopted.

The second event, titled “Promoting Digital Innovation in the Mediterranean: A Private-Public Perspective”, took place on 19 September 2024. The objective was to discuss potential synergies between the Italian G7 Presidency and the Cypriot Presidency of the EU MED9, in order to build a common agenda on issues such as AI and the reliability of cross-border data flows, in the context of relevant policies adopted by the European Union. Another objective was to reflect on how to promote cooperation and exchange of best practices on key digital issues and policies for Mediterranean countries.

Funding: Comin & Partners

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