Research > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Mediterraneo e Medioriente + Energia, clima e risorse, Approvvigionamento d'energia + Mediterraneo + Relazioni esterne Ue + Unione europea

  • Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission - EuroMeSCo

    IAI participates in the activities EuroMeSCo - the euro-Mediterranean network of non-governmental institutions dealing with foreign policy and security. Between 2015 and 2019, IAI was part of a...
    Start/End: 1996
  • How to Enhance European citizens’ participation in the European Integration

    This is a follow-up of the research project on European democracy, launched by the IAI, in co-operation with Notre Europe (Paris) and the Centro Studi sul Federalismo (Turin) in early 2009, before...
    Start/End: 2009
  • The Reform Treaty and the future of the European Union

    Acting on indications from its honorary president, Senator Carlo Azeglio Ciampi,in 2007 the institute deliberated on the relaunching of the EU's institutional reform process and of Italy's role in...
    Start/End: 2007
  • The role of Italy in the international economy of hydrogen: geo-economic and geopolitical implications

    The role of hydrogen to achieve climate goals is emerging clearly. This molecule presents some favourable characteristics that allow to overcome some limitations of electrification, such as the...
    Start/End: 2021
  • Bringing the Balkans Back on the EU agenda

    On the backdrop of the beginning of a new EU institutional cycle and the adoption of a new methodology for EU accession negotiations, the project promoted a proactive discussion that contributed to...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Green Deal Watch

    The aim of the “Green Deal Watch” project is to follow the evolution of the ambitious and cross-cutting “European Green Deal” strategy towards climate neutrality launched by the Von der Leyen...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Mediterranean Women Mediators Network (MWMN)

    The initiative for a Mediterranean Women Mediators Network aims at fulfilling the need to increase the number of women involved in peacemaking efforts and facilitating the appointment of women...
    Start/End: 2017
  • European Think-Tanks Group (ETTG)

    IAI is part of the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) together with five other leading European international cooperation think tanks: the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS),...
    Start/End: 2017
  • The EU’s New Resilience Agenda in the MENA Region

    The new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) ‘Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe’ unveiled in late June 2016 could represent a point of departure to re-calibrate the EU’s external and security...
    Start/End: 2017
  • EU60: Re-Founding Europe. The Responsibility to Propose

    In recent years, a series of strategic challenges have shaken the foundations of the EU’s integration project, leading to the emergence of existential threats in the institutional, political and...
    Start/End: 2016
  • Energy Union Watch

    The project monitored the activities of the key EU institutions—the European Commission, as well as the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the European Council — on the theme of the...
    Start/End: 2015
  • Governing Europe

    The institutional architecture of the European Union (EU) and the different decision-making procedures regulating European policies pose several questions on the existence of a government for the...
    Start/End: 2015
  • The future of the European Neighbourhood Policy

    In the framework of the “Citizens’ dialogues” initiative promoted by the European Commission, a series of conferences on the major crises affecting the European neighbourhood were organised by IAI in...
    Start/End: 2015
  • New-Med Research Network: The Future of Cooperation in the Mediterranean

    Established in June 2014, the New-Med Research Network is an independent research and engagement initiative combining track II and track I.5 formats to address underlining security and socio-...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Tepsa Pre-Presidency Conference “The Priorities of the Italian Presidency”

    The conference has been organised in collaboration with the TEPSA network and Theseus, and with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Representation of the European Commission...
    Start/End: 2013
  • EU crisis management: institutions and capabilities in the making

    The research aims at examining the latest developments in the area of ESDP/CSDP and to outlininge future scenarios for crisis management carried out by the European Union.  Particular emphasis...
    Start/End: 2010
  • EU-GCC Cooperation

    In recent years, IAI has been developing its relations with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in view of broadening its traditional focus on the Mediterranean and the Levant to this...
    Start/End: 2008
  • EU Enlargement and European Foreign and Security Policy

    Through EU-Consent, this proposal has been submitted by the IAI to the 10th bi-annual EUSA Conference that will take place in May 2007 in Montreal. The IAI ran a panel that will discuss the following...
    Start/End: 2007
  • The integration of French and Italian economic sectors: strategic and political aspects

    Bilateral relations between Italy and France are going through a delicate and important phase. The intensive integration between several Italian and French economic sectors (energy, insurance,...
    Start/End: 2005
  • Programme for Promoting Conflict Prevention in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (CP Med)

    Between 2004 and 2006, the IAI and the Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention (RCCP) have been cooperating in a multi-annual project on conflict prevention in the Euro-Med region. The general goals...
    Start/End: 2004