Turchia: l'offensiva di Ankara mette a rischio il processo di pace turco-curdo
Short and Long-Term Implications for the EU of the Current Crisis With Russia
Innovation Breakthroughs in Europe's Digital Single Market. What next?
The Report of the Five Presidents: A Missed Opportunity
On the KRG, the Turkish-Kurdish Peace Process, and the Future of the Kurds
A People's Army: Civil Society as a Security Actor in Post-Maidan Ukraine
Grecia/Ue, ok Atene, ma negoziati difficili
Iran: nucleare, l'accordo alla prova dell'Onu e del Senato Usa. Possibili riflessi economici
Il ruolo della Germania in Europa
Promoting Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Building a Private-Public Partnership
Luca Barana