all sui Media

  • DEFSEC - Study on industrial implications in Europe of the blurring of dividing lines between Security and Defence

  • MAGES - Mature Application of Galileo for Emergency Scenario

  • EUROCON - Study on State Control of Strategic Defence Assets

  • EU, Conflict Transformation, and Civil Society

  • The Role of the GCC in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

  • The Multilateralisation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Beyond the Intergovernmental-Supranational Divide in EU Foreign Policy

  • Maria Giulia Amadio Viceré

  • OSCE's Mediterranean Engagement on the Eve of the 40th Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act

  • Promoting Stability and Development in Africa

  • Stili per il sito

  • The Ukraine-Russia conflict: What role for the EU