all sui Media

  • MICROCON - Conflitti nel Vicinato europeo

  • EU4Seas: the European Union and sub-regional multilateralism in the European sea basins

  • The Autonomy of South Tyrol: A Model for Conflict Resolution in the Post-Soviet Space?

  • The Contribution of Italy and the European Union to the Collective Security System of the United Nations

  • Le politiche migratorie: Spagna, Italia ed Unione Europea

  • Il controllo democratico della Pesc e della Psdc

  • Lo stato della democrazia nell’Ue dopo il Trattato di Lisbona

  • Le prospettive del bilancio comunitario

  • Towards a new procedure for appointing the President of the European Commission

  • EU-GCC Cooperation in the Fields of Higher Education and Scientific Research

  • On the Virtues of Inconclusiveness

  • Transport, Communications and Infrastructure in a United and Effective Europe