RTVE.es: Keys to Italy's turn to the extreme right: the Meloni effect, the division of the left and a record abstention
26/09/2022 -
RTP: telegiornale
25/09/2022 -
ABC International: Italians voted to elect a new government with an eye on their pockets
25/09/2022 -
El Pais: Meloni's Europe
24/09/2022 -
The Wall Street Journal: Italy’s Election Is the First Test of the West’s Anti-Putin Resolve
24/09/2022 -
Information: With Meloni as prime minister, Italy will look more towards Orbán than towards Macron
24/09/2022 -
Nos, Nieuwsuur: Will Europe get a second Orban?
23/09/2022 -
Huffington Post: “Melonomics” e l’enigma della politica economica italiana dopo le elezioni
23/09/2022 -
Agenda Publica: What can happen if Meloni wins the Italian elections
23/09/2022 -
Scenari, Domani: Il “metodo Draghi” per affrontare il futuro
23/09/2022 -
Associated Press: ‘Crucial’ vote could move Italy to right; many might boycott