The EU’s Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Management

This study is aimed at contributing to the ongoing discussion on the comprehensive approach at EU level. The first part offers an overview of the development of this concept from the adoption of the European Security Strategy (ESS) to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. It is followed by an assessment of the architecture and mechanisms created in the post-Lisbon phase, looking in particular at the organization and functioning of the European External Action Service (EEAS), with a view to set the institutional and policy framework for the current implementation of the comprehensive approach, especially in the field of crisis management. The analysis of the effective operationalisation of this concept on the ground is conducted through two main case studies: the EU’s engagement in the Sahel region and the Horn of Africa.
Dati bibliografici
Brussels, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces-DCAF Brussels Office, June 2013, 24 p. (EU Crisis Management Papers) -
Introduction: The Comprehensive Approach of the EU
The EUs Comprehensive Approach at the Conceptual Level: From the European Security Strategy to the Lisbon Treaty
Institutions and Policies: Ensuring Consistency in the EUs External Action
The Comprehensive Approach in Crisis Management: Combining and Sequencing EU Instruments
Testing the Comprehensive Approach on the Ground: The Cases of Sahel and the Horn of Africa
The EUs Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa
The EU Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel
Conclusions: How to Turn Comprehensive Approach into Comprehensive Action in post-Lisbon EU?
Annex: The Background of the EEAS Headquarters