The Italian Foreign Ministry on the Way of Reform
For some time now the MFA has sought to equip itself with a more flexible organisational structure with the ability to coordinate the increasingly diverse range of Italian activities abroad. There is a widespread awareness that increased – and increasing – international competition cannot be addressed by individual players acting alone. To meet this challenge, Italy needs to strengthen the “country system” as a whole and promote the economic-financial and cultural components of that system, in close and constant coordination with the European Union.
Traduzione dell'articolo "Ministero degli esteri, cosa cambia con la riforma", pubblicato in AffarInternazionali, 5 gennaio 2010.
Dati bibliografici
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, febbraio 2010, 4 p. -
1. Acting as a system
2. Moving towards the European model
3. New synergies with the Ministry for the Economy and the “ambassador managers”