The G8, the United Nations, and Conflict Prevention
This innovative and forward looking work examines the Genoa summit agenda with a view to strengthening international conflict prevention institutions and identifying and analyzing economic early warning indicators. It devotes particular attention to the Italian contribution and approach and the ways in which it can be effectively implemented following the summit. The first book to compare the role of the G8 and the United Nations in conflict prevention and human security, The G8, the United Nations, and Conflict Prevention will be essential reading for academics, government officials and members of the business and media communities.
Versione rivista e aggiornata dei paper presentati alla conferenza "Promoting Conflict Prevention and Human Security. What Can the G8 Do?" (2001 G8 Pre-Summit Public Policy Conference) organizzata a Roma il 16 luglio 2001 dall'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in collaborazione con il G8 Research Group e il Centro militare di studi strategici (CeMiSS).
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Contributors
Preface and Acknowledgements
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction: The G8’s role in global conflict prevention, John J. Kirton and Radoslava N. Stefanova
Part I. The Place, Role and Potential of the G8 in Conflict Prevention
2. Concentrating the mind: decision making in the G7/8 system, Nicholas Bayne
3. The intricacies of summit preparation and consensus building, Robert Fowler
4. The G8 and conflict prevention: from promise to practice?, David M. Malone
5. The G8 and conflict prevention: commitment, compliance and systemic contributions, John J. Kirton, Ella Kokotsis and Gina Stephens, with Diana Juricevic
Part II. Conflict Prevention: The Political-Institutional Framework
6. Conflict prevention: performances, prospects and potential, Roberto Toscano
7. U.S. approaches to international conflict prevention and the role of allies and international institutions, Frank E. Loy
8. Advancing the European Union’s conflict prevention policy, Reinhardt Rummel
Part III. The Socioeconomic Dimension
9. The G8’s role in promoting financial stability, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
10. Foreign aid: an effective medicine, an addictive drug, or a social placebo?, Mario Sarcinelli
11. Socioeconomic vulnerability analysis and the culture of prevention in the globalisation era, Umberto Triulzi and Pierluigi Montalbano
Part IV. Conclusion
12. From good intentions to good practice: the G8 and the future of conflict prevention, Gina Stephens and Kristiana Powell
Analytical Appendices
A. Performance assessment, overall and by issue, 1996-2002, G8 Research Group
B: Performance assessment, by country, 1996-2002, G8 Research Group
C. Commitments and significance by issue, 1994, 2000, 2001, G8 Research Group
Documentary Appendices
D: Conclusions of the G8 foreign ministers’ meeting, Rome, 18-19 July 2001
E. Statement on Middle East: conclusions of the G8 foreign ministers’ meeting, Rome, 19 July 2001
F. Statement by the G8 leaders (death in Genoa), Genoa, 21 July 2001
G. G8 communiqué, Genoa, 22 July 2001
H. G8 foreign ministers’ statement on Afghanistan, 26 November 2001
I. G8 foreign ministers’ statement on India and Pakistan, 28 December 2001
J. G8 foreign ministers’ statement on India and Pakistan, 31 May 2002
K. G8 foreign ministers’ statement on Afghanistan, Whistler, 12 June 2002
L. G8 foreign ministers’ progress report on the fight against terrorism, Whistler, 12 June 2002
M. Canadian chair's statement, G8 foreign ministers' meeting, Whistler, 13 June 2002
N. G8 initiative on conflict and development, G8 foreign ministers' meeting, Whistler, 13 June 2002
O. G8 conflict prevention: disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, G8 foreign ministers' meeting, Whistler, 13 June 2002
P. G8 recommendations on counter-terrorism, G8 foreign ministers' meeting, Whistler, 13 June 2002
Q. Co-operative G8 action on transport security, Kananaskis, 26 June 2002
R. The Kananaskis summit chair's summary, Kananaskis, 27 June 2002
S. The G8 global partnership against the spread of weapons and materials of mass destruction, Kananaskis, 27 June 2002
T. Statement by G8 foreign ministers in connection with terrorist hostage taking in Moscow, 25 October 2002