The Role of EU and US Non-State Actors in the Global Environmental System. A Focus on Climate Change
This paper investigates the climate regime as a case study to assess the engagement of non-state actors from across the Atlantic with the global environmental system. After a short introduction on the role of non-state actors in environmental governance, the paper analyses concrete instances where these actors have engaged in formal law-making processes and informal standard-setting exercises, as well as litigation concerning climate change law and policy. The conclusions draw a comparative assessment of the contribution of non-state actors from across the Atlantic to the climate regime, and more general reflections on non-state agency in the global environmental system, raising questions for further investigation.
Documento prodotto nell'ambito del progetto IAI Transworld.
Dati bibliografici
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, 2013, 15 p. -
1. Non-State Actors. Definitional Issues
2. Non-State Actors Engaging with Formal Law-Making
3. Standard-setting by Non-State Actors
4. Climate Change Litigation
Contenuti collegati
The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance
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Transworld - Redefining the transatlantic relationship and its role in shaping global governance
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