The EU'S Migration, Asylum and Mobility Policies in the Mediterranean
In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Briefs 5
European Industrial Policies in Tunisia: A Bottom-up Assessment
Khaled Guesmi, Jean-Yves Moisseron
In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 29
Medio Oriente e Nord Africa: dalla fine della Guerra fredda ai muri (mentali e fisici) odierni
Lorenzo Kamel
In: Altri paper e articoli
Migration Dynamics in Play in Morocco
Mehdi Lahlou
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 26
The Links between Jihadi Organizations and Illegal Trafficking in the Sahel
Djallil Lounnas
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 25
European Policies in the Industry Sector in Morocco: A Bottom-up Assessment
Jean-Yves Moisseron, Khaled Guesmi
In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 28
Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East and North Africa
Erzsébet N. Rózsa
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 24
Assessing EU–Mediterranean Policies in the Field of Industry from a Bottom-up Perspective: The Case of Lebanon
Jad Chaaban, Ali Chalak, Tala Ismail
In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 27
Assessing EU–Mediterranean Policies in the Field of Industry from a Bottom-up Perspective: The Case of Egypt
Jean-Yves Moisseron, Selma Fazzani, Khaled Guesmi
In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 26
The EU and Political Ideas in the Mediterranean
In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Briefs 4