Pubblicazioni > Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Nord Africa


The Impact of the Oil Crisis on the MENA Region

Alice Favazza, Camellia Mahjoubi

In: Documenti IAI 20|11

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Political Economies of the Middle East and North Africa

Robert Springborg

In: Altri paper e articoli

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The Middle East: Thinking About and Beyond Security and Stability (volume)

Lorenzo Kamel

In: Global Politics and Security 5

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Approaches to Regional Stability and the Outlook for NATO

Sonia Lucarelli, Alessandro Marrone, Francesco N. Moro

In: Documenti IAI 19|13

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Transformations of State and Society in the MENA Region

In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 3

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Regional Dynamics in the MENA Region

In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 2

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