Pubblicazioni > Difesa, Difesa europea + Industria della difesa + Psdc + Strategia globale Ue


Europa della difesa: quali prospettive?

Andrea Aversano Stabile, Alessandro Marrone, Carolina Polito

In: Documenti IAI 17|19

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Permanent Structured Cooperation: An Institutional Pathway for European Defence

Alessandro Marrone

In: IAI Commentaries 17|26

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Military Factors in the MENA Region: Challenging Trends

Sven Biscop, Julien Sassel

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 6

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Lo stato del disarmo nucleare

Natalino Ronzitti

In: Studi per il Parlamento Note 77

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The Future of EU Defence: A European Space, Data and Cyber Agency?

Jean Pierre Darnis

In: IAI Commentaries 17|21

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Europa della difesa: forse ci siamo

Michele Nones

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Non solo missili, la minaccia dei droni

Paola Sartori

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Quale futuro per l'Mtcr?

Michele Nones, Stefano Silvestri

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Dealing with the Russian Bear: Improving NATO's Response to Moscow's Military Exercise Zapad 2017

Guillaume Lasconjarias, Lukáš Dyčka

In: IAI Commentaries 17|18

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Brexit and European Defence: Between Uncertainty and Cooperation

Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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