Pubblicazioni > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Sicurezza, Unione europea


Strenghtening Europe's Role in Egypt

Nathalie Tocci

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Focus euroatlantico, 3

Riccardo Alcaro, Roberto Aliboni, Valerio Briani

In: Studi per il Parlamento Focus euroatlantico 3

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The Euro Crisis and Euro-Mediterranean Relations

Maria Cristina Paciello

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Turkey, Europe and the Syrian Crisis

Nathalie Tocci

In: Global Turkey in Europe Commentary 8

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Arms Industry

Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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The Middle East Quartet and (In)effective Multilateralism

Nathalie Tocci

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Vol. 48, No. 3, September 2013


The Malian Crisis and its Actors

Dario Cristiani, Riccardo Fabiani

In: The International Spectator 48/3
Vol. 48, No. 3, September 2013

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US and EU Human Rights and Democracy Promotion since the Arab Spring

Daniela Huber

In: The International Spectator 48/3
Vol. 48, No. 3, September 2013

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Migrant Smuggling between Two Logics

Jeroen Doomernik

In: The International Spectator 48/3
Vol. 48, No. 3, September 2013

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European Fears - and Hopes - for a Risen China

In: The International Spectator 48/3
Vol. 48, No. 3, September 2013

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