Pubblicazioni > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Sicurezza, Unione europea


Investigating Cognitive and Normative Frames of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Stakeholders on Migration and Mobility Issues, in Their Relations with the EU

Emanuela Roman, Ferruccio Pastore, Irene Ponzo

In: MEDRESET Papers Methodology and Concept Paper 6

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Juncker's Last Hurrah

Riccardo Perissich

In: IAI Commentaries 17|16

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OrizzonteCina, vol. 8, n. 3, maggio-giugno 2017

Nicola Casarini

In: OrizzonteCina 8/3

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EU-Malaysia Trade Talks: No End in Sight

Giuseppe Spatafora

In: IAI Commentaries 17|12

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The EU and Geopolitics in the Mediterranean

Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Ariabarzan Mohammadi

In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Briefs 2

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Defence Industrial Links between EU and US

Alessandro Riccardo Ungaro

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017


Assessing the High Representative's Role in Egypt during the Arab Spring

Maria Giulia Amadio Viceré, Sergio Fabbrini

In: The International Spectator 52/3
Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017

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Migration and the EU Global Strategy: Narratives and Dilemmas

Michela Ceccorulli, Sonia Lucarelli

In: The International Spectator 52/3
Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017

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The European Union Global Strategy: What Kind of Foreign Policy Identity?

Kateryna Pishchikova, Elisa Piras

In: The International Spectator 52/3
Vol. 52, No. 3, September 2017

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