Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Industria della difesa + Italia + Politica militare dell'Italia


European Defence and PESCO: Don't Waste the Chance

Sven Biscop

In: EU IDEA Papers Policy Paper 1

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Military Technology: Risks and Opportunities for the Atlantic Alliance

Pierluigi Barberini

In: Documenti IAI 20|10

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Italy: Cooperation, competition and local politics amid Covid-19

Francesca Ghiretti, Lorenzo Mariani

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Is European solidarity in a coma? A view from Italy

Eleonora Poli

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Una strategia nazionale per le missioni militari italiane all'estero

Michele Nones

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Covid-19: quali effetti sulle politiche di difesa in Europa?

Alessandro Marrone, Ottavia Credi

In: Documenti IAI 20|09it

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and European Security: Between Damages and Crises

Alessandro Marrone

In: IAI Commentaries 20|19

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Illegal Trafficking of Plastic Waste: The Italy–Malaysia Connection

Elisa Murgese

In: IAI Commentaries 20|16

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Covid-19 et instruments numériques: la délicate gestion des données

Jean Pierre Darnis

In: Altri paper e articoli

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