Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Commissione europea + Energia + Unione europea


Democratic Legitimacy and Accountability of ESDP Operations

Michele Comelli, Flavia Zanon

In: Documenti IAI 09|34

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EU and GCC Strategic Interests in the Mediterranean

Roberto Aliboni

In: Documenti IAI 09|33

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Il dibattito sulla promozione della democrazia

Roberto Aliboni

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Report of the conference "The EU and the Reform of the UN Security Council"

Elisabetta Martini

In: Documenti IAI 09|32

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Military and Civilian ESDP Missions: Ever Growing and Effective?

Nicoletta Pirozzi, Sammi Sandawi

In: Documenti IAI 09|29

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Transforming Turkish Foreign Policy

Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Nathalie Tocci

In: Altri paper e articoli

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I Balcani tra rischi di nuove crisi e prospettive europee

Riccardo Alcaro, Giordano Merlicco

In: Studi per il Parlamento Approfondimenti 2

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