Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Austria + Belgio + Commissione europea + Consiglio d'Europa (CoE) + Francia + Germania + Grecia + Italia + Mediterraneo + Migrazione + Ong + Paesi Bassi + Spagna + Ungheria + Unione europea


Protests and Drones Push EU–Iran Relations to the Brink

Riccardo Alcaro

In: IAI Commentaries 22|47

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Protests and Drones

Riccardo Alcaro

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 21

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The Selective Reconstruction of Syria

Munqeth Othman Agha

In: IAI Commentaries 22|45

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Framing Public Perception of the Challenges to the EU Foreign Security and Defence Policy

Carlotta Mingardi, Rossella Borri, Pierangelo Isernia

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Research Paper 11

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A German Economist and an Italian Political Scientist Debate Europe’s Energy Crisis

Daniel Gros, Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Commentaries 22|44

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Brussels–Taipei: Changing the Game?

Nicola Casarini

In: IAI Commentaries 22|43

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European Resilience, Energy and the Ukraine War

Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Papers 22|25

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FACTS: da narrazioni alternative alle vere storie dei cittadini europei

Carme Colomina, Héctor Sánchez Margalef

In: Altri paper e articoli

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