The Health-Security Nexus and the Impact of Epidemics on Global Security
Matteo Bursi
In: IAI Papers 24|27
Resilienza e sicurezza delle infrastrutture critiche nel contesto italiano ed europeo
Paola Tessari, Karolina Muti
In: Documenti IAI 24|11
New Visions for the Western Balkans: EU Accession and Regional Security
Matteo Bonomi, Luisa Chiodi, Irene Rusconi
In: Documenti IAI 23|10
Hybrid Security Provision in African Post-colonial Settings: The Cases of Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone
Emannuel Kwesi Aning, Ilana Zelmanovitz Axelrod
In: The International Spectator 58/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 58, No. 2, June 2023 -
Food Security and Climate Migration
Asli Selin Okyay, Francesco Iacoella, Luca Barana
In: Altri paper e articoli
China’s Police and Satellite Cooperation with Autocratic Countries
Chisako T. Masuo
In: IAI Papers 23|01
Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean: Exploring the Nexus
Andrea Dessì, Flavia Fusco
In: IAI Research Studies 9
Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean
Flavia Fusco
In: Documenti IAI 22|04
Addressing the Security-Climate-Migration Nexus in South Asia
Thin Lei Win, Michael Werz
In: Altri paper e articoli
Addressing the Security-Climate-Migration Nexus in the Sahel
Francesco Iacoella, Luca Barana, Asli Selin Okyay
In: Altri paper e articoli
The OSCE and Effective Multilateralism in the Mediterranean: A Comparative Analysis
Sandra Sacchetti
In: Altri paper e articoli
Warfare and Geopolitics in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood: Implications for NATO
Camilla Vianini, Chloé Berger
In: Documenti IAI 21|13