Arab Industrialisation and Economic Integration

Industrialisation is one of the most compelling ambitions of the less developed countries. Unlike many of these countries, the Arab states are fortunate in this enterprise by the financial resources accruing as a result of the increase in oil prices. Oil provision however, is frequently concentrated in those countries lacking in population and adequate educational facilities. Therefore, strategies must be devised and adopted in order to complete or make a satisfactory beginning to their industrialisation. These policy recommendations derive from a research project by the Istituto Affari Internazionali investigating 'Development and Stability in the Mediterranean'. The examination of the economic problems tackled by this project, is dealt with by viewing international questions at a regional level, and emphasising co-operation and economic integration. The research covers many aspects of developing Arab industrialisation, including the analysis of industrial strategies and economic policies, and the great difficulties, such as political obstacles, as well as the great need presented by Arab industrial integration. Finally the highly relevant question of Arab labour flow is discussed, with the significant problems it poses for the development of the Arab countries. Potentially countries with differing factor endowments could prove to be complementary, but in practice, there are many forces at work that hinder this. In conclusion the most favourable, if not indispensable strategy for industrialisation, presented by this work, is increased regional economic integration, thus opening larger markets, not only for goods, but also, primarily for capital and human migration.
Risultato del progetto di ricerca IAI "Development and Stability in the Mediterranean". Questo volume fa parte di una serie di testi pubblicati dall'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) nell'ambito di un programma di ricerca finanziato dalla Fondazione Ford e dedicato ai problemi del Mediterraneo. Pubblicato anche in italiano: Industrializzazione e integrazione nel mondo arabo, Bologna, Il mulino, 1978, 195 p. (Lo spettatore internazionale 45). Pubblicato anche: London/New York, Routledge, novembre 2014 (c2015) (Routledge Library Editions: The Economy of the Middle East ; 4), ISBN 978-1-13-881124-9 ; 978-1-135-74654-8 (ebk).
Preface, Roberto Aliboni, p. 9-11
1. Industrialisation in Arab Countries: Patterns, Options and Strategies, Zvi Yehuda Hershlag, p. 13-89
2. Arab Economic Co-operation, Samir A. Makdisi, p. 90-133
3. Arab Migrations, Abdelwahab Bouhdiba, p. 134-188
Notes on contributors, p. 189
Index, p. 191-196
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Industrializzazione e integrazione nel mondo arabo
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