Europe's Future in Space. A Joint Policy Report

European space policy stands at the crossroads. The exploitation of space will play an increasingly important role in the economic and political future of Western Europe. Although Europeans together have a solid record of achievement in space, they have not yet developed the capabilities to match their potential. There is fierce competition with the US and Japan to provide the technologies. The US and the USSR are driving forward their military space programmes. This report argues the importance of establishing European autonomy in space and of ensuring that the Europeans have the means to safeguard their own security interests in space. This English-language version is published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Dutch, French, German and Italian versions are being published simultaneously by the other institutes.
Rapporto dei cinque istituti europei di affari internazionali: Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Auswärtige Politik, Institut français des relations internationales, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen “Clingendael”, Royal Institute of International Affairs. Pubblicato anche in italiano come L'Europa e la sfida dello spazio, Milano, Franco Angeli, settembre 1988, 262 p. (Lo spettatore internazionale ; 1), ISBN 88-204-2924-1; 978-88-204-2924-9.
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L'Europa e la sfida dello spazio
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