New Challenges to International Cooperation. Adjustment of Firms, Policies and Organizations to Global Competition

On 2-3 October 1992, the Istituto Affari Intemazionali (IAl), Rome, the National Institute for Research Advancement (Tokyo), and the University of California at San Diego and Berkeley held an international conference in La Jolla, California on "Adjustment of Policies, Organizations and Firms to Global Competition: Seeking New Forms of International Cooperation". This conference was the forum for the presentation and discussion of the results of a research effort which examined topics related to the changes in economic structures and institutions, and how these changes are shaped by policy.
Paper presentati alla conferenza "Adjustment of Policies, Organizations and Firms to Global Competition: Seeking New Forms of International Cooperation" organizzata a San Diego il 2-3 ottobre 1992 dalla Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS), l'Istituto affari internazionali (IAI), e il National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA). - Capitoli 1, 6-8 e 10 pubblicati anche in The International Spectator, Vol. 27, No. 2 (April-June 1993).
Preface, p. vii-viii
Acknowledgments, p. ix
Conference Participants, p. x-xi
Introduction: Global Regionalism and the prospects for Cooperation, Peter Gourevitch and Paolo Guerrieri, p. xiii-xvii
1. New Forms of Financial Regulation and the Evolution of Financial Firms, Marcello De Cecco, p. 19-39
2. The Regional Architecture of Global Electronics: Trajectories, Linkages and Access to Technology, Michael Borrus, p. 41-80
3. Getting Incentives Right, John McMillan, p. 81-106
4. Beyond Competitiveness: The Changing Environment for Intra/Interfirm High Technology Cooperations in Japan, Taizo Yakushiji, p. 107-132
5. Telecommunications: Market Access Regimes in Services and Equipment, Peter Cowhey, p. 133-170
6. The Structural Impediment Initiative and Recent Japan-U.S. Relations, Sueo Sekiguchi, p. 171-195
7. Industrial Policy in a Global Environment, Margaret Sharp, p. 197-232
8. Supranational Institution Building in a Rapidly Changing Region: The Case of European Monetary Unification, Fabrizio Saccomanni, p. 233-257
9. Indebtedness and Hegemony: International Financial Relations After the Debt Crisis, Toru Iwami, p. 259-286
10. The World Trade Regime: GATT, Regional Cooperation, Bilateral Confrontation, Gary Hufbauer and Anup Malani, p. 287-310