The Joint Africa-EU Strategy

Implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) has taken place in a rapidly evolving political scenario at the global level and specifically within Europe and Africa. The overarching objectives identified in 2007 still remain valid, but concrete priorities now need to be adapted to the new reality. At the strategic level, a refinement of the Africa-EU partnership has become urgent following the adoption of Agenda 2063 and the EU Global Strategy. At policy level, lessons learned from the implementation of the Roadmap 2014-17 and the way ahead indicated in the Joint Communication of May 2017 should be taken into account. Ten years after its adoption and with a view to the next AU-EU Summit, being held in Abidjan on 29-30 November 2017, it is crucial to re-assess the strategy’s validity on the basis of achievements and shortfalls, also in its parliamentary dimension, with regard to the fulfilment of its objectives in an evolving context.
Dati bibliografici
Bruxelles, Parlamento europeo, 15 novembre 2017, 52 p. -
978-92-846-2209-2; 978-92-846-2210-8 (Pdf); 10.2861/46520; 10.2861/856725 (Pdf)
List of Abbreviations
Executive Summary
1. Evaluating the implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy
1.1 Political dialogue
1.2 Financial aspects
1.3 A people-centred partnership?
2. Evaluating the implementation of the Roadmap 2014-2017
2.1 Peace and security
2.1.1 Enhanced political dialogue
2.1.2 Operationalisation of the African Peace and Security Architecture
2.1.3 Strengthened coordination with Regional Economic Communities and the United Nations
2.2 Democracy, good governance and human rights
2.2.1 Democracy and good governance
2.2.2 Human rights and culture
2.3 Human development
2.3.1 Science, technology and innovation
2.3.2 Higher education
2.3.3 Mobility, migration and employment
2.4 Sustainable and inclusive development together with growth and continental integration
2.4.1 Private investment, infrastructure and continental integration
2.4.2 Agriculture, food security and food safety
2.5 Global challenges
2.5.1 Climate change and environment
2.5.2 Post-2015 Development Agenda
2.5.3 Proliferation of small arms and light weapons, weapons of mass destruction and transfers of conventional arms
2.5.4 Reform of the international governance system
2.6 Implementation of the Roadmap 2014-2017 at a glance
3. Joint Communication for a renewed impetus to the Africa-EU partnership: priorities and challenges
3.1 Building more resilient states and societies
3.1.1 Preventing conflicts, addressing crises and building peace
3.1.2 Strengthen governance systems
3.1.3 Manage migration and mobility
3.2 More and better jobs, especially for youth
3.2.1 Attract responsible and sustainable investments
3.2.2 Energise Africa
3.2.3 Transforming African agriculture and agro-business, and its blue economy, including fisheries
3.2.4 Advance knowledge and skills
3.3 Some preliminary conclusions on the Joint Communication
4. Strengthening Africa-EU cooperation: the way ahead
Annex: African Peace and Security Architecture