Sovereignty and multilateralism

The chapter deals with the concept of European strategic sovereignty in the context of the multilateral order. In particular, Riccardo Alcaro argues that multilateralism is essential to the EU and that this calls for greater engagement with norms and partners. This chapter shows how the EU has no choice but to manage global interdependencies through multilateralism. Key features of the EU’s ability to manage its interdependencies in the future will be working with like-minded partners and ensuring that restrictions imposed on the EU’s interests and values can be offset in inventive ways. Chapter 4 principally draws upon the experiences of the Iran nuclear deal to uncover ways in which the EU can strengthen its partnerships, offset extraterritorial effects on its diplomatic actions and bolster the multilateral order.
Dati bibliografici
in Daniel Fiott (ed.), "European Sovereignty. Strategy and interdependence", in Chaillot Papers, No. 169 (July 2021), p. 31-37 -