Coordinating International Support for African Peace and Security Efforts: From the G8 to the EU

The many regional and intrastate wars and conflicts have contributed significantly to Africa's overall economic, political and strategic marginalisation in world affairs. The AU's new African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) is designed to provide conflict prevention, peace-keeping and peace-building on the continent, but lacks autonomy. The UN, EU, G8 countries, China and, to some extent, NATO and India are active players on the African peace and security scene and are engaged in assisting APSA's operationalisation. But the multiplicity of actors, the magnitude of resources involved and the enormity of the challenges point to the need to enhance coordination by setting up a single entry point for channeling international assistance. Having provided the most funding to date, and with its strong strategic ties with Africa and its extensive participation in other regional and global fora, the EU is best equipped to coordinate support to minimise wasteful duplication, ensure synergy in developing the APSA and implementing its mandate.
Altra versione: "G8 and EU Support to African Efforts in Peace and Security: An African Perspective", in Nicoletta Pirozzi (ed.), Ensuring Peace and Security in Africa: Implementing the New Africa-EU Partnership, Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, July 2009, p. 77-91 (IAI Quaderni English series ; 17).
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