Moving Towards Europe. Diverse Trajectories and Multidimensional Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic

I movimenti di popolazione degli ultimi decenni, compresi quelli verso l’Unione europea, mettono in questione i concetti lineari e semplicistici su fattori, traiettorie e forme della migrazione. Questo libro guarda ai viaggi migratori come a dei processi non lineari e, per permettere di comprendere meglio la migrazione mista, ne esamina le condizioni e i quadri giuridico-politici in spazi di mobilità ampi che collegano tra loro diversi contesti di origine, transito, destinazione e accoglienza in Asia (meridionale, centrale e occidentale), Africa (orientale, centrale e occidentale, America centrale e meridionale ed Europa. Analizza inoltre le specifiche tendenze migratorie verso l’Unione europea prima e dopo la cosiddetta “crisi migratoria” (2009-2020), prestando particolare attenzione a dinamiche e modelli specifici di genere e sessualità.
Volume preparato nell'ambito del progetto ITFLOWS – IT Tools and Methods for Managing Migration Flows.
Dati bibliografici
Bern [etc.], Peter Lang, 2023, 339 p. : ill. -
10 -
978-3-0343-4639-9; 978-3-0343-4705-1 (pdf); 978-3-0343-4706-8 (ePUB); 10.3726/b20682
Figures, p. 7-8
Tables, p. 9
Foreword / Lorenzo Kamel, p. 11-14
1. Introduction / Asli Selin Okyay, Luca Barana, Colleen Boland, Daniela Huber, Daniel Morente and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 15-39
2. Fragmented Afghan journeys towards Europe: Caught between insecure lives, precarious livelihoods and restrictive policies / Asli Selin Okyay, p. 41-68
3. Following mixed migration trajectories from Iraq: When, how and why Europe became a major destination for Iraqis / Flavia Fusco, p. 69-89
4. Syrian refugees’ trajectories: From civil war through insecure livelihoods in transit/ host contexts to fortified European borders / Daniela Huber, p. 91-115
5. Why do so many Eritreans flee their country? Drivers of Eritrean migration in countries of origin, transit and destination / Jacopo Resti, p. 117-135
6. Mali’s migratory complexity: A tale of shifting migratory movements on three routes / Luca Barana, Colleen Boland and Daniel Morente, p. 137-161
7. Nigeria: The impact of economic struggles and conflict on fragmented migratory routes / Luca Barana, p. 163-186
8. Understanding migration from Tunisia: Domestic marginalisation, regional instability and the EU’s over- securitisation approach / Silvia Colombo, p. 187-206
9. Morocco’s influence on WMR and WAR transit: Key relationships with Africa and Europe and growing geopolitical weight / Colleen Boland and Daniel Morente, p. 207-233
10. The legacies of the armed conflict, regional dynamics and Spain’s immigration and asylum policies in the shaping of migration from Colombia / Daniel Morente, p. 235-260
11. Increasingly exacerbated crises in Honduras / Colleen Boland and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 261-285
12. The continued Venezuelan exodus / Colleen Boland and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 287-307
13. Conclusions / Asli Selin Okyay, Luca Barana, Colleen Boland, Daniela Huber, Daniel Morente and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 309-331
Contributors, p. 333-335
Abbreviations, p. 337-339
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IT FLOWS - IT Tools and Methods for Managing Migration Flows
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