Economic Summits 1975-1986: Declarations
Volume preparato dall'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in occasione del vertice economico di Venezia del 1987 (Fondazione Cini, Isola San Giorgio, 8-10 giugno 1987)
Dati bibliografici
Torino, Istituto Bancario San Paolo, giugno 1987, 152 p.
1975 Rambouillet
List of Participants
1976 San Juan (Puerto Rico)
List of Participants
1977 London (Downing Street)
List of Participants
- World Economic Prospects
- Balance of Payments Financing
- Trade
- Energy
- North/South Relations
1978 Bonn
List of Participants
- Growth, Employment and Inflation
- Energy
- Trade
- Relations with Developing Countries
- International Monetary Policy
- Conclusion
Statement on Air-Hijacking
1979 Tokyo
List of Participants
Special Statement of the Summit on Indochinese Refugees
Statement on Bonn Declaration
1980 Venice
List of Participants
- Introduction
- Inflation
- Energy
- Relations with Developing Countries
- Monetary Problems
- Trade
- Conclusions
Statement on the Taking of Diplomatic Hostages
Statement on Refugees
Political Topics
Statement on the Bonn Declaration
1981 Ottawa
List of Participants
- The Economy
- Relations with Developing Countries
- Trade
- Energy
- East/West Economic Relations
- Conclusion
Chairman's Summary of Political Issues
Statement on Terrorism
1982 Versailles
List of Participants
Statement on International Monetary Undertakings
1983 Williamsburg (Virginia)
List of Participants
The Economic Recovery
Annex: Strengthening Economic Cooperation for Growth and Stability
Declaration on Security
1984 London
List of Participants
The Economy
Declaration on Democratic Values
Declaration on International Terrorism
Declaration on East-West Relations and Arms Control
Statement by the Chair: The Iraq/Iran Conflict
1985 Bonn
List of Participants
- Towards Sustained Growth and Higher Employment
- Growth and Employment
- Relations with Developing Countries
- Multilateral Trading System and International Monetary
- System
- Environmental Policies
Co-operation in Science and Technology
Political Declaration on the 40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War
1986 Tokyo
List of Participants
The Economy
Statement on International Terrorism
Statement on the Implications of the Chernobyl Nuclear
Looking Forward to a Better Future
Thematic Index
Table: Issues and Summits
Basic Book References