EU-27 Watch No. 8: Italy
Contributo dello IAI alla pubblicazione EU-27 Watch No. 8 (March 2009).
Dati bibliografici
Roma, IAI, aprile 2009, 19 p. -
I. A year of opportunities
I.1. How does the future of the EU look like after the Irish ‘No’? - Linkage between European citizens and EU institutions has to be restored
I.2. Transatlantic relations renewed after President Bush: top priorities - Beginning of a new era in international relations
I.3 Financial crisis - A year of uncertainties brings the need to connect with the new dynamic areas of the world
II. Looking back to the French Presidency - Sarkozy’s combination of activism and pragmatism, concerns about Czech Presidency
III. Prospects for ENP and enlargement after ‘Georgia’ - Structural weakness of the European Neighbourhood Policy, strong and balanced relationship with Russia needed
IV. Current issues and discourses in your country - Concerns about public order and illegal immigration
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Italy (in EU-27 Watch 8)
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