Fostering Inclusiveness: A New Roadmap for EU-Tunisia Relations and the Engagement with Civil Society
A few weeks ahead of the Association Council on 15 May 2018 where the European Union and Tunisia are expected to adopt partnership priorities, this EuroMeSCo Joint Policy Study makes the plea for a significant leap in the relationship that would give an ambitious horizon to the partnership.
The four chapters offer readers an invaluable wealth of information regarding the state of EU-Tunisia relations. They also identify challenges that should be overcome and provide with ideas that should be considered in order to move forward.
This Joint Policy Study is the outcome of a joint effort undertaken by four Tunisian and four European experts and coordinated by Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria, Head of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department at the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), as part of the activities of the EuroMeSCo network.
Dati bibliografici
in Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria (ed.), The EU-Tunisia Privileged Partnership - What Next?, Barcelona, European Institute of the Mediterranean, April 2018, p. 34-56 (IEMed/EuroMeSCo Joint Policy Study ; 10)
Contenuti collegati
Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission - EuroMeSCo
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