Global Matrix. A Conceptual and Organisational Framework for Researching the Future of Global Governance

Conceptually, Global Matrix advances in a systematic and structured inter-disciplinary (matrix) framework a research agenda for examining the stance of major world actors on the key policy dimensions to world politics (political ideologies, economics, migration, climate change, security and world view); drawing out evidence of cross-cutting linkages (between sectors and among major actors); and evaluating the evolution and adequacy of existing multilateral institutions in relation to the emerging multi-polarity, and formulating recommendations. As a matter of organisation, Global Matrix has assembled a network of teams of scholars from think tanks in China, the EU, India, Russia and the US, with participation to be extended to other G20 states (Brazil, South Africa, Korea, Japan). The objective is to create a semi-permanent network as part of the emerging structures of the global civil society. It will serve as a continuing ‘track-2’ initiative to monitor major developments in global governance, including at the G20, and at other global fora as appropriate. It is a capacity-building venture at global level, with the leading think tanks intending to work together for a sustained effort, while precise participation can evolve over time.
Documento preparato da un network inizialmente composto da Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Istituto affari internazionali (IAI), Fundación para las relaciones internacionales y el diálogo exterior (FRIDE), Fudan University, Johns Hopkins University Washington, Delhi Policy Group e Carnegie Moscow Center. Pubblicato anche in Documenti IAI, No. 11|09 (July 2011).
Dati bibliografici
Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies, July 2011, 23 p. (CEPS Working Documents ; 355) -
1. Aim of the network p. 3
2. Methodological and analytical approach p. 5
2.1. Initial conditions, drivers of change and world impact (Stage 1) p. 7
a. Political ideologies and regimes p. 7
b. Economics, financial and trade systems p. 8
c. Demography and migration p. 12
d. Climate change and energy p. 14
e. Strategic security p. 16
f. World views and system p. 18
2.2. Dynamic Interactions (Stage 2) p. 20
2.3. Resolution (Stage 3) p. 24
Annex. Key participants and their expertise p. 25
Institutes p. 25
Principal researchers p. 26
List of Figures
Figure 1. The changing weights in the world economy: In percent of global GDP p. 9
Figure 2. Inter-actor dynamics p. 22
Figure 3. Inter-sectoral dynamics p. 22
List of Tables
Table 1. Analytical matrix p. 6
Table 2. World population projections p. 12
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Global Matrix
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