Imagining Europe: Towards a More United and Effective EU
Mentre una crisi economica e politica senza precedenti spinge l'Europa verso il baratro, ci si chiede quali traiettorie siano prevedibili per la governance dell'Unione europea nei prossimi decenni. Questo volume descrive i modelli di governance verso i quali l'Ue può indirizzarsi, e quale di questi sia più adatto alla realizzazione di un'Ue più unita, efficace e legittimata.
I testi raccolti nel presente volume sono stati originariamente pubblicati nella collana Imagining Europe, nell'ambito del progetto "Towards a More United and Effective Europe". Il volume è stato presentato al convegno finale del progetto (Roma, 27 giugno 2014).
Dati bibliografici
Roma, Nuova Cultura, giugno 2014, 220 p. -
15 -
List of Contributors, p. 7
List of Abbreviations, p. 9-12
Preface, Nathalie Tocci and Filippo Di Robilant, p. 13
1. Towards a More United and Effective Europe: A Framework for Analysis
Nathalie Tocci and Giovanni Faleg, p. 15-37
1. The Vicious Cycle: Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Europe
2. Europe as a Puzzle: Unity, Effectiveness and Governability in Post-crisis Europe
2.1. A More United Europe: Integration of the Core to Restore the EU's Output
and Input Legitimacy
2.2. A More Effective Europe: Heterogeneity within the Core and the
Core-noncore Relationship
2.3. Squaring the Institutional Circle: A More Governable EU
3. The Analytical Framework
2. European Fiscal and Monetary Policy: A Chicken and Egg Dilemma
Michael Emerson and Alessandro Giovannini, p. 39-73
1. Introduction
2. Macroeconomic recession and divergence
3. Macroeconomic policy regime development during the crisis
4. Financial market supervision and banking union
5. Quid fiscal union?
6. Quid the European labour market?
7. The European Central Bank through the crisis and beyond
8. Conclusions
3. Transport, Communications and Infrastructure in a United and Effective Europe
Stefano Riela, p. 75-112
1. Drawing the policy area's boundaries
2. A more united and effective Europe
2.1. Defining effectiveness and unity
2.2. The steps towards more unity and effectiveness
2.3. Transport
2.4. Communications
2.5. Infrastructure
3. The core group
4. The non-core group
5. Out of the Single Market, out of the EU
6. Conclusions
4. Thinking the Unthinkable: Promoting Regional Approaches to EU Energy Policies for a More United and Effective Europe
Christian Egenhofer and Jacques de Jong, p. 113-131
1. Introduction
2. Regional Approaches
3. Regional Initiatives: Examples and Concepts
4. A Conceptual Framework for Northwestern Europe
5. Opportunities and Risks
6. Testing Regional Approaches: The Next Steps Forward
6.1. Terminology
6.2. Bottom-up Processes
6.3. Top-down Approaches
6.4. Institutional Issues and Governance
6.5. Subsidiarity
7. A Way Forward
8. Recommendations
5. European Security post-Libya and post-Ukraine: In Search of Core Leadership
Jolyon Howorth, p. 133-162
1. Introduction
2. General Thoughts on the Framework Paper
3. The Crisis of CSDP
4. The Membership and Degree of Integration of the Core
5. The Relationship Between the Core and the Non-Core?
6. Which Model of Governance Best Applies in the Case of CSDP?
7. Policy and Institutional Innovations
8. Conclusion
6. The Governance of Migration, Mobility and Asylum in the EU: A Contentious Laboratory
Giulia Henry and Ferruccio Pastore, p. 163-197
1. A terminological preamble
2. The evolution of the "core-noncore relationships" in the MAM policy fields
2.1. The core of mobility rights for EU citizens and the enlargement dynamic
2.2. The functionalist construction of the common migration policy: communitarisation through gradualism and flexibility
2.3. The Common European Asylum System: burden-sharing as a key driver
3. The upsurge of centrifugal forces in the MAM policy fields
3.1. Questioning mobility rights
3.2. The emergence of structural limits to European cooperation on migration
3.3. Formal and substantial burden-sharing in the management of mixed flows
4. Challenges ahead and potential governance implications
4.1. Free movement: a "hub and spoke" scenario?
4.2. Governance implications of a more effective policy on mixed flows
4.3. EU policy on labour migration: stagnation or breakthrough?
5. Concluding remarks
7. Imagining Post-Crisis Europe
Nathalie Tocci, p. 199-220
1. Introduction
2. The State of the Union
3. The Myth of a Core Europe
4. A More United and Effective Post-Crisis Europe: A Way Ahead
Contenuti collegati
The Governance of Migration, Mobility and Asylum in the EU
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Transport, Communications and Infrastructure in a United and Effective Europe
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European Fiscal and Monetary Policy
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