Italy (in EU-28 Watch 11)
This issue of the EU-28 Watch aims at enhancing citizens’ understanding of the Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia’s policy and filtering common concerns and interests at the Eastern border of the EU. It covers two main areas of questions, firstly the Eastern Neighbours and Russia and secondly questions of EU enlargement. Therefore it strongly relates to the Ukraine crisis that has been developing since 2013 but also connects to the crisis in Syria and more recently to the refugee crisis the EU is facing. IEP joined forces with TEPSA once again this year in order to publish EU-28 Watch No. 11. This publication is part of the Europe for Citizens project Eastern Neighbours and Russia: Close links with EU Citizens (ENURC).
Dati bibliografici
in EU-28 Watch, No. 11 (October 2015) -
1. The Eastern Neighbours and Russia
A largely shared view that dialogue with Russia should be kept open
Relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood: Italy’s commitment despite prioritisation of the Mediterranean area
A largely overlooked Eastern Partnership Riga Summit
A staunch supporter of CSDP, but not specifically against Russia
2. EU Enlargement
Italy’s views on EU enlargement to the Eastern Partnership countries
A mixed attitude towards EU enlargement to the Western Balkans and Turkey
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EU-28 Watch (già EU-27 Watch)
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