National Economic Policies and Positive Adjustment among Interdependent Economies

Paper presentati alla conferenza internazionale “National Economic Policies and Positive Adjustment among Interdependent Economies” organizzata a Roma l’8 ottobre 1981 dall’Istituto Affari lnternazionali (IAI) e dall’Atlantic Institute nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca condotto dallo IAI per conto del Ministero del Bilancio e della Programmazione economica. Capitoli 1 e 3 della parte I e 1 della parte II pubblicati anche in The International Spectator, Vol. 17, No. 2 (April-June 1982).
Introduction, by Paolo Guerrieri, p. 7-14
I. The Experiences of Medium-Term Economic Policies in the Major Industrialized Countries in the 70's
1. Industrial Policy in France: Changes and Continuity, by Christian Stoffäes, p. 17-26
2. The Experiences of Medium-Term Economic Policies in the Federal Republic of Germany, by Georg Grimm, p. 27-30
3. Medium-Term Economic Issues and Economic Planning in Japan, by Masahiro Sakamoto, p. 31-36
4. The UK Government's Approach to Economic Policy, by Richard Allen, p. 37-42
5. Medium-Term Economic Policy: The Case of the USA, by Ciro De Falco, p. 43-44
II. Economic Interdependence and National Economic Policies
1. Increasing Economic Interdependence and National Economic Policies, by Ralph C. Bryant, p. 47-77
2. Britain, Industrial Policy and the European Community, by John Pinder, p. 79-90
3. Structural Re-Deployment of the French Industry after the First Oil Crisis, by Christian Stoffäes, p. 91-103
4. International Cooperation and Economic Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany, by Wolfgang Roth, p. 105-118
5. The Secret of Structural Flexibility of the Japanese Economy and Its Bearing on the International Economic Policy, by Nobuyoshi Namiki, p. 119-144