Regional and Interregional Interactions in Europe, North America and across the North Atlantic
If we figured regionalism as a continuum from rudimental regional interaction to very sophisticated forms of it, Europe stands on this latter end while North America barely makes it to the middle point. The imbalance in the degree of regionalization on the two northern shores of the Atlantic explains the non-existent region-to-region interaction. Interregionalism has thus little to say about Europe and North America, although ‘quasi-interregionalism’ (i.e. country-region relations) has here some of its most advanced manifestations. The case of US-Europe relations actually goes beyond quasi-interregionalism and displays traits that are more characteristic of regionalism than anything else. A comparison of regionalism in Europe and North America is therefore invariably destined to be an exercise involving a third, bicontinental region: the West.
Paper prodotto nell'ambito del progetto Atlantic Future, novembre 2015. Pubbl. in Frank Mattheis and Andréas Litsegård (eds.), Interregionalism across the Atlantic Space, Cham, Springer, 2017 (c2018), p. 131-147 (United Nations University Series on Regionalism ; 15), ISBN 978-3-319-62907-0; 978-3-319-62908-7 (ebk); DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-62908-7.
Dati bibliografici
Barcelona, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), November 2015, 26 p. (Atlantic Future Working Papers ; 22)
1. Introduction
2. An Analytical Framework to Compare Regions
3. Regionalism in Europe and North America
3.1 Varities of Regionalism in Europe and North America
3.2 Regionalization Drivers
3.3 Up and Down the Regionness Scale
3.4 Structuring International Relations – Europe, North America and the ‘Wider’ World
3.5 Disintegration Risks
4. The West: More Region than Interregional Space
4.1 Western Varieties of Regionalism
4.2 Drivers of Western Regionalization
4.3 The West as a Regional Community
4.4 Shaping International Relations: the West and the ‘Outer’ World
4.5 Disintegration Risks in the West
5. Conclusions