Think Global - Act European IV. Thinking Strategically about the EU's External Action
Nell'ambito di una sempre maggiore interdipendenza globale, l'Unione europea deve sviluppare un pensiero più strategico per reagire agli sconvolgimenti in corso nello scenario internazionale . Per anticipare le ripercussioni negative della crisi dell'euro sull’influenza internazionale dell'Ue ed evitare la progressiva marginalizzazione dell’Europa, l'Ue deve dotarsi di una strategia integrata per l'azione esterna. La quarta edizione del progetto Think Global - Act European (TGAE), diretto dall’istituto Notre Europe-Jacques Delor, riunisce 16 think tank europei per esaminare le nuove sfide per l'azione esterna dell'Ue e formulare una serie di proposte politiche su: la promozione degli interessi economici dell’Europa a livello mondiale, una gestione sostenibile delle risorse strategiche, la sfida demografica e delle migrazioni, la politica di vicinato e le capacità di difesa. Le proposte - presentate da oltre 40 esperti provenienti da tutta Europa - sollecitano l’Ue ad affrontare i suoi problemi di coordinamento e sottolineano la necessità di un nuovo paradigma per l'azione esterna dell'Ue, basato su di un ripensamento strategico degli interessi dell'Unione, dei suoi mezzi, e in ultima analisi, dellla sua ragion d’essere.
Raccomandazioni di 16 think tank europei, elaborate nell'ambito del progetto Think Global - Act European (TGAE) IV, coordinato da Notre Europe-Institute Jacques Delors. Contributi IAI al progetto: policy papers n. 67 (Darnis) e 68 (Comelli), e rapporto di sintesi (Comelli, p. 191-196) dei paper del IV gruppo di lavoro, presentati al seminario su "How to make out of its neighbourhood an opportunity for the EU itself?", Roma, 11 ottobre 2012.
Foreword, by Pascal Lamy and António Vitorino
Key Recommendations
General Synthesis, by Elvire Fabry
Part 1. EU Economic Governance: Leveraging European Interests on the Global Scene
Synthesis, Daniela Schwarzer, by Federico Steinberg
Europe's trade strategy: Promise or Peril?, by John Springford, Richard Youngs
Towards a transatlantic market?, by Pawel Swieboda
How can the EU promote its economic interests with China?, by Agatha Kratz, Jonas Parello-Plesner
Towards a common external representation for the euro area?, by Daniela Schwarzer, Federico Steinberg, Diego Valiante
Strengthening EU Presence in Global Financial Regulation Reform, by Filippa Chatzistavrou, Dimitris Katsikas, Yiannis Tirkides
Part 2. EU Natural Resources: Towards Sustainable and Strategic Management
Synthesis, by Sami Andoura, Nadège Chambon
Meeting Europe's resource challenge within and beyond EU borders, by Annika Ahtonen, Andrea Frontini
The role of gas in the external dimension of the EU energy transition, by Sami Andoura, Clémentine d'Oultremont
Promoting low-carbon energies in Mediterranean Partner Countries, by Gonzalo Escribano
An external strategy for European agriculture. Meeting food security and environmental challenges, by Nadège Chambon
Saving emissions trading from irrelevance, by Stephen Tindale
Part 3. EU Migration Strategy: From Zero to Positive Sum
Synthesis, by Yves Pascouau
Migration: a neglected challenge for saving the European welfare state, by Hans Martens
EU Migration policy after the Arab Spring: The pitfalls of Home Affairs Diplomacy, by Sergio Carrera, Leonard Den Hertog, Joanna Parkin
The EU performance in the global competition for highly-skilled migrants, by Andreas Ette, Roderick Parkes, Alicia Sorroza, Carmen Gonzales Enriquez
Mobility Partnerships: a convincing tool for the EU's global approach to migration?, by Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
The migration-development nexus: time for a paradigm shift, by Ruby Gropas
Part 4. EU Neighbourhood: A Renewed Opportunity
Synthesis, by Michele Comelli
Potential and limits of EU policies in the Neighbourhood, by Michele Comelli
The EU neighbourhood competence under Article 8 TEU, by Christophe Hillion
The Missing Spring in the EU's Mediterranean Policies, by Haizam Amirah Fernández, Timo Behr
The EU in the East: too ambitious in rhetoric, too unfocused in action, by Lucia Najšlová, Vera Rihácková, Olga Shumylo-Tapiola
The EU and Turkey in the Southern Neighbourhood: A new opening?, by Adam Balcer
Part 5. EU Defence: The Capabilities and Credibility Conundrum
Synthesis, by Daniel Keohane
Strategic priorities for EU defence policy, by Daniel Keohane
Where does CSDP fit in EU foreign policy?, by Nick Witney
Will Europeans ever agree on the use of military force?, by Jan Techau
How to maintain hard capabilities in times of budget cuts?, by Ronja Kempin
The European defence industry's future: how European?, by Jean-Pierre Darnis
Think Tanks and Authors
Presentation of the Project 'Think Global - Act European (Tgae)'
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