all sui Media

  • Yu Hongjun e seminario trilaterale IAI-T.wai-CCCWS

  • Promoting peace and security in Africa. Lessons learned from Mozambique

  • The EU and Turkey: Confronting the Mediterranean challenge together

  • The EU and India: Approaches to Conflict and Peace

  • US foreign policy after the elections: a new course or more of the same?

  • La Turchia nello scenario economico globale: riflessioni sul futuro dei rapporti con la UE e l'Italia

  • Mario Monti incontra l'Istituto Affari Internazionali - Rassegna stampa

  • Mario Monti incontra l'Istituto Affari Internazionali

  • Dynamic change: Rethinking NATO's capabilities, operations and partnerships

  • The EU budget: a driving force for changing Europe?

  • Fabrizio Saccomanni, nuovo vicepresidente IAI

  • Foreign Policy Governance in Europe-Research Network. Modernising, Widening and Deepening Research on a Vital pillar of the EU (FORNET)