all sui Media

  • Il trattato di riforma e il futuro dell’Unione Europea

  • Il programma Forza NEC e l’Europa

  • Network Enabled Capabilitis Technical Challenges - NEC TC

  • SECUREMETRO - Inherently secure blast resistant and fire safe metro vehicles

  • Study on the impact on European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) of defence offsets requested by third countries

  • Space, Sovereignty and European Security. Building European capabilities in an advanced institutional framework

  • Defence Matters 2013

  • European Security and Defence Forum

  • Options for the Future Governance of European Access to Space

  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 1. ed.

  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 3. ed.

  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 2. ed.