Continuity and Change in Soviet-East European Relations. Implications for the West

Prodotto della conferenza "Soviet-East European Relations: Implications for the West" organizzata a Roma il 16-17 dicembre 1985 dal Center for International and Strategic Affairs (CISA) e dall'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
Preface, p. vii
List of the Contributors, p. viii
1. Introduction, William C. Potter, p. 1-4
2. Soviet-East European Relations in the 1980s: Continuity and Change, Andrzej Korbonski, p. 5-26
3. Trends in Soviet and East European Westpolitik and the German Question, Wolfgang Pfeiler, p. 27-53
4. Recent Changes in the Policy of the German Democratic Republic Towards the Federal Republic of Germany, Eberhard Schulz, p. 55-74
5. Soviet Economic Policy Towards Eastern Europe, Keith Crane, p. 75-133
6. Western Interests in and Leverage on the Soviet and East European Economies, Donato Di Gaetano, p. 135-152
7. The Warsaw Pact at Thirty: Soviet and East European Successes and Failures, Marco Camovale, p. 153-174
8. Soviet-East European Cooperation in the Field of Military Aid Towards the Third World, Joachim Krause, p. 175-189
9. Some Aspects of Comecon's Closed-Door Policy: Dead-End for LDCs Committed to a "Socialist Orientation," Wolfgang W. Berner, p. 191-215
10. Continuity and Change in Soviet-East European Relations: Recent Trends and Implications for the West, Marco Camovale, p. 217-235