Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Brexit + Difesa europea + Israele + Nato + Sicurezza internazionale


Challenging the State in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Identities

Nizar Messari, Lorenzo Kamel, Zeynep Gülöz Bakır

In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 1

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The Impact of Brexit on the European Armament Industry

Olivier de France, Bastian Giegerich, Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Israeli regional perspectives and the Mediterranean

Daniela Huber

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Ten Years On: Gaza Blockade Brings Society to the Brink

Mattia Polvanesi

In: IAI Commentaries 17|05

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Proiettare stabilità nel vicinato a sud della Nato

Margherita Bianchi, Guillaume Lasconjarias, Alessandro Marrone

In: Documenti IAI 17|14

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Violence Grips Jerusalem

Giorgio Gomel

In: IAI Commentaries 17|04

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Projecting Stability in NATO's Southern Neighbourhood

Margherita Bianchi, Guillaume Lasconjarias, Alessandro Marrone

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Global Outlook 2017: rapporto finale

Fabrizio Saccomanni, Simone Romano

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Israel's Discourses and Practices in the Mediterranean Since 2001

Arab Studies Institute – Research and Education Methodologies (ASI-REM)

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 8

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A Union at Risk: The Future of the European Project

Ettore Greco

In: Altri paper e articoli

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