Documenti prodotti nell’ambito di MENARA, un progetto – co-diretto dal CIDOB di Barcellona e dallo IAI e finanziato dal programma Horizon 2020 dell’Unione europea – che intende fare luce sulle dinamiche storiche, politiche, economiche e sociali che stanno interessando il Medioriente e il Nord Africa.Norme per l'autore (EN, 250 kb).
Embeddedness and/or Periphery: The MENA Region in the Global Order
In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 4
Transformations of State and Society in the MENA Region
In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 3
The Art of the (Im)Possible
Silvia Colombo, Marc Otte, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Nathalie Tocci
In: MENARA Papers Final Reports 4
Sustainable Development in the MENA Region
Edgar Göll, André Uhl, Jakob Zwiers
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 20
Struggling for a Sustainable Economy: Iran after the JCPOA
László Csicsmann
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 19
A Half-Empty Glass: Limits and Dilemmas of the EU's Relations to the MENA Countries
Silvia Colombo, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Marc Otte
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 32
Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa
Katerina Dalacoura
In: MENARA Papers Final Reports 3