Documenti prodotti nell'ambito della partnership strategica tra lo IAI e il German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), un programma di cooperazione pluriennale che include una serie di progetti sulle politiche e le potenzialità di cooperazione di Stati Uniti ed Europa nell'area del Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente.
GCC Economic Presence in the Mediterranean and the Outlook for EU-GCC Cooperation
Valeria Talbot
In: Mediterranean Papers 9
Reform in Libya: Chimera or Reality?
Alison Pargeter
In: Mediterranean Papers 8
Libya's Foreign Policy: Drivers and Objectives
George Joffé, Emanuela Paoletti
In: Mediterranean Papers 7
The Law of the Sea and Mediterranean Security
Natalino Ronzitti
In: Mediterranean Papers 6
Maritime Security and the Fight Against Drug Trafficking in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Approaches
Vincenzo Delicato
In: Mediterranean Papers 5
The Fight Against the Smuggling of Migrants in the Mediterranean
Vincenzo Delicato
In: Mediterranean Papers 4
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean
Basil Germond, Eric Grove
In: Mediterranean Papers 3
Transatlantic Cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa and the Growing Role of Gulf States
Tobias Schumacher
In: Mediterranean Papers 2