La più antica rivista italiana di affari internazionali in lingua inglese
The International Spectator, fondata nel 1966, è una rivista di affari internazionali con revisione paritaria (peer-review).
È un trimestrale edito dallo IAI e pubblicato da Routledge
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Editor: Leo Goretti e Daniela Huber
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International Climate Negotiations
Steinar Andresen
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
Justice and Climate Finance
Steven Vanderheiden
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
Lessons from the EU's ETS for a New International Climate Agreement
Tomas Wyns
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
REDD+ as a Tool of Global Forest Governance
Ernesto Roessing Neto
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
Carbon Capture and Storage
Jennie C. Stephens
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
Spreading Oil, Spreading Conflict?
Kathrin Keil
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
China's Views of the TPP
Zhang Xiaotong
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015
The Chinese People's Liberation Army 'Post-modern' Navy
Andrea Ghiselli
In: The International Spectator 50/1
Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2015