La più antica rivista italiana di affari internazionali in lingua inglese
The International Spectator, fondata nel 1966, è una rivista di affari internazionali con revisione paritaria (peer-review).
È un trimestrale edito dallo IAI e pubblicato da Routledge
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Editor: Leo Goretti e Daniela Huber
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Genealogy of a Populist Uprising. Italy, 1979-2019
Giovanni Orsina
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
The View from Next Door: Greek-Turkish Relations after the Coup Attempt in Turkey
Nikos Christofis, Bahar Baser, Ahmet Erdi Öztürk
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
Contesting Greek Gas Policy: Geopolitical, Energy and Climate Considerations
Filippos Proedrou
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
Assessing the Relation between the Underground Economy and Irregular Migration in Italy
Leila Simona Talani
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
Italy's 'Middle Power' Approach to Russia
Marco Siddi
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
EU-China Security Relations: Discourse vs Practice and the Role of EU Member States
Francesco Saverio Montesano
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
Explaining Populism: How and Why Ideas Matter
Abdelkarim Amengay
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019
Populism in Times of Attempted Unity of Heterogeneous Social Demands
Paulus Wagner
In: The International Spectator 54/2
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2019