La più antica rivista italiana di affari internazionali in lingua inglese
The International Spectator, fondata nel 1966, è una rivista di affari internazionali con revisione paritaria (peer-review).
È un trimestrale edito dallo IAI e pubblicato da Routledge
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Editor: Leo Goretti e Daniela Huber
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Normative and Civilisational Regionalisms: The EU, Russia and their Common Neighbourhoods
Andrey Makarychev
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
Why do Authoritarian Leaders do Regionalism? Ontological Security and Eurasian Regional Cooperation
Alessandra Russo, Edward Stoddard
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
Bureaucratic Authority and Mimesis: The Eurasian Economic Union's Multiple Integration Logics
Ueli Staeger, Cristian Bobocea
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
Regionalism as You Like It? Armenia and the Eurasian Integration Process
Laure Delcour
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
The Paradox of Weakness in European Trade Policy: Contestation and Resilience in CETA and TTIP Negotiations
Dirk De Bièvre
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
Reshaping Cultural Heritage Protection Policies at a Time of Securitisation: France, Italy, and the United Kingdom
Paolo Foradori, Serena Giusti, Alessandro Giovanni Lamonica
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018
Geopolitics of Nuclear Hypertrophy. America, the Bomb and the Temptation of Nuclear Primacy
Corrado Stefanachi
In: The International Spectator 53/3
Vol. 53, No. 3, September 2018